Amalie and Nora, two sisters, remember a striking event of their childhood: a trip with their mother to visit her friend Camilla whose husband died of AIDS. Based on a memory from the director and the producer’s own experience, this powerful and sensitive story immerses us in one of these remarkable moments of childhood, the first confrontation with death and the deep traces that it leaves.
Short fiction, 20’
An autobiographical film about two young sisters first memory of death and the fear of dying.
Main cast: Filippa Bruce, Lina Josefine Mosli Sæther, Marte Magnusdotter Solem, Hanna Ullerstam
Director: Liv Joelle Barbosa Blad
Producer: Nina Barbosa (Norway)
Co-Producer: Caroline Drab
Cinematographer: Cecilie Semec
Production Designer: Elma Smajic
Composer: Kate Havnevik
Production Companies: Barbosa Film, Pop! Media
Winner Amanda Award for Best Short Film at the Norwegian Film Awards
Busan International Short Film Festival
Bergen International Film Festival
Norwegian Short Film Festival Grimstad
Académie Des Arts Et Techniques Du Cinéma – Paroles d’Or